How To Crochet Dreadlocks: A Comprehensive Guide!

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How To Crochet Dreadlocks: A Comprehensive Guide!

Hi there! If you’re here, it’s probably because you’re interested in learning how to crochet dreadlocks.

 Crocheting dreadlocks is a great way to add texture and volume to your hair. It can also help keep your locks looking neat and tidy. In this comprehensive guide, I will walk you through the steps involved in crocheting dreadlocks. I will also provide tips and advice for keeping your dreadlocks looking their best. 

Let’s get started!

What Are Crochet Dreadlocks

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First of all, let’s answer the question: “What are crochet dreadlocks?” 

Crochet dreadlocks are strands of hair that have been crocheted together. This gives them a thicker, more robust appearance. Crochet dreadlocks can be made from synthetic hair or real human hair. Sounds pretty simple so far, right? 

Crochet dreadlocks can also be referred to as “crochet braids.”

Crochet dreadlocks have been around for centuries.

According to an article published on dreadlab. The records of someone wearing crochet dreadlocks with written documentation date as far back as 1500 BC. This is found in the ancient Hindu texts referred to as the “Vedas”. In these texts, Lord Shiva, one of Hinduism’s most important gods, is seen wearing a “Jaṭā.”

Crochet needle

Different Methods Of Crochet Dreads

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Now that you know a bit of the history behind crochet dreads, let’s move on to the different methods you can use to achieve this look.

The Crochet Hook Method

The crochet hook method is a popular method for forming dreadlocks. In this method, a crochet hook is used to pull sections of hair through other sections of hair. 

Here’s the kicker: This method can be used on both wet and dry hair. It is important to be careful when using a crochet hook, as it can damage the hair if not used correctly.

The Interlocking Method

Interlocking is a technique of interweaving and threading the end of a dreadlock strand through the looser hair follicles at the scalp. The best part about this method is that you’ll get a stronger, more secure hold on the dreadlocks. With enough practice, anyone can master this technique. 

However, if you pull the dreadlock strands too tight, irreversible damage could be done to the follicles. I’ll show you what I mean, check out this video: How to Interlock Locs By Kaila J

The Palm Rolling Method

Palm rolling is a method of starting and maintaining dreadlocks. It involves taking small sections of hair between your palms and rolling them backward and forwards.

This action will twist the hair, encouraging the formation of mats. Once these mats have formed, they will then start to lock together. What does that mean for you? 

Well, palm rolling is a relatively simple technique, it can be time-consuming if you have a lot of dreadlocks.

The Twist and Rip Method

According to howtogetdreadlocks the twist and rip method is one of the quickest ways to form dreadlocks. It involves taking small sections of hair and twisting them until they start to form mats. 

Once these mats have formed, you then rip the hair apart, which encourages the locking process.

Ouch, This method is not for the faint-hearted, as it can be quite painful! It is also important to note that this method should only be used on healthy, untreated hair.


This method is probably my personal favorite, as it is relatively quick and painless (compared to the twist and rip method). Backcombing involves using a fine-toothed comb to tease the hair backward from the root to the tip. 

As you backcomb the hair, you will need to twist it around itself to form a coil. Once you have done this, you can then use a rubber band or dreadlock wax to secure the coil in place. This method can take a long time to do, but it is relatively easy and does not require any chemicals.

Dread Perming

Dread perming is a chemical process that can be used to form dreadlocks. The Ultra Dread Kit for Dreadlocks is one such example of a product that can be used for this purpose. In this process, the hair is treated with a series of chemicals that break down the internal structure of the hair. This makes it easier to form dreadlocks.

The truth is this method is quicker than the backcombing method, but it is also more damaging to the hair. It is important to make sure that you follow the instructions carefully and do not leave the chemicals in for too long.

Dread Braiding

Dread braiding is another method that can be used to form dreadlocks. In this method, the hair is braided into small sections. As the hair grows, the braids will become tighter and will start to form dreadlocks. This method is less damaging to the hair than the dread perming method, but it can take longer for the dreads to form.

Maintaining Your Dreadlocks

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Now that you have your dreadlocks, it’s important to know how to take care of them! The first step is to wash them regularly. You can use a dreadlock shampoo or any gentle, sulfate-free shampoo. Tell you what for the best results you can use a special brush for dreadlocks that will help you to remove all the dirt and sebum from your scalp without damaging your dreads.

Once you’ve washed your dreads, allow them to air dry completely before doing anything else. Do not use a towel to dry your dreads, as this can cause them to frizz. Once they’re dry, you can start palm rolling them. This helps to tighten the roots and keep the hair neat.

Long story short Dreadlocks require very little maintenance, but it’s important to keep them clean and free of tangles. You should also avoid using any products that contain alcohol, as this can dry out your dreads. If you take care of your dreadlocks, they’ll last for years!

almost forgot about the last tip, don’t forget to moisturize your dreads regularly. This will help prevent them from drying out and breaking.

What To Keep In Mind While Making Your Crochet Dreadlocks

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When making your crochet dreadlocks, there are a few things you should keep in mind. 

First, make sure that the hair you’re using is clean and free of tangles. You don’t want to start with dirty hair, as this will make it more difficult to create neat dreads. 

Second, use a light hand when crocheting. If you’re too rough, you could damage the hair. Third, take your time! Creating dreadlocks is a slow process, so don’t try to rush it. fourth be patient while they mature

and fifth, have fun with them! 

There’s no right or wrong way to wear dreads, so experiment and find what looks best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What type of hair is best for crocheting dreadlocks?

The best type of hair for crocheting dreadlocks is clean, healthy hair that is free of tangles. Avoid using dirty or damaged hair, because the truth is this will make it more difficult to create neat dreads.

How tight should I crochet the dreads?

You should crochet the dreads loosely, taking care not to damage the hair. If you’re too rough, you could end up with frizzy or broken strands.

How long does it take to create crochet dreadlocks?

The time it takes to create crochet dreadlocks varies depending on the thickness and length of your hair. For example, shorter hair will take less time to dread than longer hair. In general, though, you can expect the process to take several hours.

Can I use synthetic hair for crocheting dreadlocks?

Yes, you can use synthetic hair for crocheting dreadlocks. However, keep in mind that synthetic hair is more likely to frizz and break than a real human hair. As such, you’ll need to be extra careful when working with it.

What type of crochet needle should I use?

The type of crochet needle you use is largely a matter of personal preference. However, I recommend using a size Q (17mm) or a larger crochet needle for best results.

How do I secure the dreadlocks once they’re finished?

Once you’ve crocheted the desired number of dreadlocks, you’ll need to secure them in place. To do this, simply take a small piece of hair from each dreadlock and tie it off at the root. You can also use a rubber band or a clip to secure the dreadlocks.

Can I crochet multiple dreadlocks at once?

Yes, you can crochet multiple dreadlocks at once. However, I recommend crocheting one dreadlock at a time to avoid tangling.

How long do dreadlocks last?

Dreadlocks can last for several months or even years if they’re properly cared for. To extend the life of your dreadlocks, avoid tight hairstyles, wash your hair regularly, and use a dreadlock wax or cream to keep them moisturized.

Now, It’s Your Turn

Now that you know the basics of how to crochet dreadlocks, grab your supplies and get started! With a little practice, you’ll be able to create beautiful, unique dreads that are perfect for any hairstyle. I hope this guide helped teach you how to crochet dreadlocks. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to leave a comment below. 

And if you want to share your tips and tricks for crocheting dreadlocks, we’d love to hear them! Happy crocheting!

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Sedi here...Fascinated by the interplay between people, lifestyle, relationships, and communication dedicated to empowering women and spreading positive messages about black people. When she's not writing, Sedi is busy advocating for plastic-free earth with her local NGO. Got questions? Just hit the comments" Her socials: @SediDjentuh

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