Angesom Berhe

Global Health Ambassador
Public Health
Humaritarian Health
Emmergency Care


Dedicated, and accomplished Health professional (Medical doctor, MPHc) with over 6 years of working experience in managing health and nutrition programs. Areas of expertise include public health, humanitarian health, and emergency care. Writing primarily for humanitarian organizations, universities, and research centers.


As a Medical Doctor and a dedicated Master of Public Health candidate at the University of Suffolk, Angesom Guesh Berhe brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the field of public health, humanitarian health, and emergency care. With a strong academic foundation and a compassionate heart, Angesom's writing focuses on raising awareness, generating empathy, and inspiring change. Having completed his Medical Doctorate at Mekelle University, Angesom is currently pursuing a Master of Public Health degree at the University of Suffolk, UK. His unique perspective as a humanitarian aid worker allows him to bridge the gap between theory and real-world practice. In addition to his academic pursuits, Angesom offers medical consultations and lends his expertise to humanitarian organizations like the ICRC and Refugee and Returnee Services. His commitment to delivering accurate, compassionate, and clear stories is evident in his work. Angesom firmly believes in the power of storytelling to shed light on global issues, ensuring that everyone has the right to know the truth about the world around them. When he's not writing, Angesom enjoys reading and actively participates in volunteering for non-profit events. His interests and passions align with his professional commitment to making the world a better place.


Angesom received his Medical Doctorate from Mekelle University and is currently pursuing a Master of Public Health degree at the University of Suffolk in the UK. He is dedicated to expanding his knowledge and skills to create a positive impact on global health issues.


Angesom's work has been featured in humanitarian organizations such as the ICRC and Refugee and Returnee Services, where his writing is instrumental in conveying the realities of the field.

Future Goals

Angesom is driven by a dual mission: to grow professionally and personally. He aims to continue making a difference in the world through his writing, research, and humanitarian efforts. By combining his medical expertise with his passion for public health and humanitarian issues, Angesom is a writer who brings a unique blend of academic rigor and real-world experience to the page. His work not only informs but also inspires change, making him a trusted voice in the field of global health and humanitarianism.

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